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Welcome to Year 4
Autumn Term


This term we will be looking at a number of texts to inspire our writing. These include ‘The Wind in the Willows’, ‘A River’, ‘Roman Diary – The Journal of Iliona, Young Slave’, ‘My Story – Roman Invasion’. We will be focusing on consolidating our grammar learning from year 3, looking at Conjunctions, Adverbs, Prepositions, Direct Speech and the Present Perfect Form. Then moving on to Determiners, Pronouns and Fronted Adverbials. We will write for different purposes including narratives, information texts, diaries and poetry. We will be following the ‘Bug Club’ guided reading scheme and will follow the Spelling Shed scheme for spelling rules. As a class we will also enjoy listening to a range of stories during our story time throughout the week.

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Year 4 starts with a big unit on place value going up to 5 digits, which is a crucial concept for children to understand to help them as they prepare for Upper Key Stage 2. We then move on to addition and subtraction of up to 4 -digits. After half-term, we will be looking at area and then moving onto multiplication and division

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We will start the year looking at States of Matter, identifying the properties of solids, liquids and gases and conducting investigations and experiments to deepen our understanding. We will also look at the Water cycle and how this involves each state that water can take. After half-term we will be looking at our Animals including Humans topic, all about teeth and the digestive system.



In History, after half term we will be exploring the question: Why did the Romans settle in Britain? Throughout the topic we will explore the chronology of the Roman invasion on Britain, look at Roman soldiers and how the army were organised and use artifacts to make conclusions about Roman life.


Our year starts with our topic Rivers: What is special about them? We will be looking at rivers from their source to the sea. Why they are important. How rivers are formed and great rivers around the world. We will also link this to our science topic, understanding the water cycle and states of matter.


What do Christians learn from the Creation Story? We will learn that God the Creator cares for the creation, including human beings.  That the Bible shows that God wants to help people to be close to him and gives them guidelines on good ways to live - such as the Ten Commandments, and that God offers forgiveness even when people keep on falling short.



This half term, the children will take part in Tag Rugby and will explore the water cycle through dance. After half term we will be circuit training and looking at movement in gymnastics.


This term the children will be looking at online safety. They will describe how to search over multiple platforms and will become aware of the accuracy of the results presented. They will know some of the methods used to persuade people to buy online. They will explain the difference between fact, opinion and belief and recognise these online and identify some positive and negative distractions of using technology and small strategies on how to reduce the amount of time spent on technology.



Story telling through drawing is the focus of our first unit. Children will be exploring the work of artists who create illustrations for texts, then they will be doing this for themselves, using the Jabberwocky poem as a stimulous.


PSHE & Relationships

We start the year by looking at how we can keep ourselves safe. Making a judgment if things are a danger, risk or hazard and how we can be both influenced positively and negatively by things. We will also look at medicines and how to stay well. After half term we will be looking at the topic ‘Me and My Relationships’, thinking about our different feelings and working collaboratively as part of a team.


This half term we will be exploring Indonesian music and use instruments to create our own piece inspired by this. After half term, our focus will be on the Christmas carol concert, learning the songs and readings to accompany them.



All Around Town. We will learn how to say where we live, our address and numbers to a hundred. We will also practise asking and answering questions about the area where we live, which will include looking at the different features of towns and the countryside.



In the run up to Christmas, the children will be completing a project all about Christmas Bakes. We will look at existing products and then design our own sweet treats (looking at how we can make these healthier and giving advice on suggested servings to be part of a balanced diet).

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