St.Wilfrid's CE Primary School, Main Street, Calverton, Notts. NG14 6FG
Tel: 0115 9652775
Learning and growing together; living life in all its fullness
We apply the golden rule ‘Do unto others as you would have done to yourself’ when we consider each of our values. Each half term, a value becomes a focus across school
Our core values are:
Kindness, Love, Respect, Faith, Resilience, Joy
Welcome to Year 1
Summer 1
English—In the summer term we will be writing diary entries, postcards, adventure stories, recounts and poetry. Some of the texts we will explore are “The Beach”, “The Storm Whale” and “Stick Man”.
Here are the books we will be using in our English this half term:
In maths, the units we will cover will be multiplication and division, halves and quarters, position and direction, numbers to 100, time and money.
In our unit on animals including humans we will name animals, match animals to classifications, explain different terminology and label the human body. In Forest Schools we will look at seasonal changes.
In our geography unit, we will be exploring features of a town and countryside. We will talk about different London landmarks and name the 4 countries of the United Kingdom.
We will explore how seaside holidays have changed over time. We will think about what people wore at the seaside, how they travelled there and what they could do during a day at the seaside.
Art & D&T
The class will complete a ’Making Birds’ project. As part of this they will be sketching images of birds from photographs. This is a great way to get to know their shape and form and sketching from videos is brilliant for quick experimental mark-making – we will give it a go!
In the Dips & Dippers’ project, firstly, we will explore different dips and dippers and describe them before planning and creating our very own. The truth will be in the tasting!
In PE, we will be practising a range of Multi-skills using equipment such as hoops, balls, quoits and skipping ropes to develop further their agility, balance and co-ordination where they will use this in conjunction with developing a volley shot.
In the theme of fairy tales we will explore timbre and rhythmic patterns. In the theme of superheroes we will be exploring pitch and tempo with Mrs Wood.
‘In what ways are churches and synagogues important to believers?’ We will learn about the features of a church and synagogue and what is valued most in Christian and Jewish worship.