We begin the year looking at The traditional story, The Three Little Pigs, followed by the book Wolf won’t bite by Emily Gravett. The children will be retelling these stories as well as writing labels and captions.
Towards the end of the half term, we will be reading Harry and the bucketful of dinosaurs and Harry and the dinosaurs go to school. The children will practice writing sentences about these stories.
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In Year 1, the children will build on their early experiences of number. We begin the year working practically to develop understanding of place value; counting, organising and sorting different amounts.
The children will then move to adding and subtracting within 10. They will explore tens frames, part whole models and simple reasoning problems.
Our first Science topic is ‘Everyday Materials’ which links well with our English work on The Three Little Pigs.
The children will be exploring, describing and investigating a range of materials and their properties. They will learn scientific vocabulary such as absorbent, transparent and opaque and will use this language when working practically with different materials.
we will be exploring our school, looking at the address of the school and creating maps of different areas within our school.
We will be comparing the toys we play with today with the toys our parents and grandparents played with. We will be talking about our favourite toys and thinking about how teddy bears have changed over time.
The children wil be experimenting with water colours during our art work this half term. They will explore the work of Paul Klee and Emma Burleigh and will be using a range of brushes to experiment with different colours.
The children will have the opportunity to practice and experiment in their sketchbooks before creating a final piece of water colour work
PE will take place very Tuesday with Mrs Henson and every Thursday with Mr Devivo. This half term, the children will be developing multi skills, such as jumping, running, throwing and catching. They will explore movement and play simple team games. Please make sure your child comes to school in correct PE kit. Long hair should always be tied back for PE and please make sure earrings are taken out on these days. Thank you.
We will begin the year by learning about The Creation Story. The children will have opportunities to explore the Bible and learn about the teachings in Genesis. They will be taught that Christians thank God for providing for them and this will lead into discussions around Harvest. Year 1 will be leading our school Harvest festival later in the half term. This will take place on Thursday 17th October. Please look our for further details about this.
The children will identify the difference between the pulse and rhythm of a song and will consolidate their understanding of these concepts through listening and preforming activities.