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Y3 - Year 3

Welcome to Year 3
Autumn Term


English this term looks at the book ‘Stone Age Boy’ and How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth. We will be focusing on descriptive vocabulary while we rehearse, edit and create narratives, instructions, explanations, shape poems and persuasive letters.


We start with reviewing our knowledge of place value then the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Pupils will practice their fluency and reasoning.


We first look at the properties and categories of rocks. Looking at the many layers buried in the earth. Next we investigate light - how it created and blocked by different materials.




We start in our usual way by reviewing the importance of Online Safety, looking at permissions and how pupils can protect themselves. We then look at what makes a computer work.



Our topic this term is the Stone Age and prehistory leading up to the Roman invasion. We will focusing on artifacts, societies and how metals helped shape the technologies in our history.


We are looking into instrumentals this term with a South African sound. Pupils will practice reading staff notations and playing percussion. We finish the term by Carolling in church!


As part of our syllabus and Understanding Christianity, we are exploring ‘People of God’ and delving into additional faiths for ‘Worship and Sacred Places’. Children reflect on their own beliefs.


Mr Devivo is starting the year with football skills and team building while Mr Clapham is beginning with invasion games. Both focus on communication, balance, movement and control.

PSHE & Relationships  

This term we are focusing on ‘Being My Best’. Children will be exploring how they can better look after themselves and others. We’ll be looking at healthy dinners, supporting our friends, keeping active with exercise, and looking after our mental health and well-being.


Please click on the link below to find out what we will be learning in Year 3 throughout the year.

  • Year 3 Long Term Plan

Children will be given a set of spellings to learn and practice each week. Click on the above link for an overview of the words and patterns they will learn throughout the year.

Class Newsletters