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Religious Education


As a Christian school we encourage learning within an environment that is supportive, collaborative and inclusive - "Do to others as you would have them do to you" is the 'Golden Rule' that is embedded in our ethos. We do our best to make sure that this ethos permeates every aspect of school-life – this is especially relevant in our learning in RE where we seek to offer a curriculum that is broad, balanced and inclusive.

Each class has its own ‘Reflection Area’

At St. Wilfrid’s it is our intent to ensure that children are well prepared for life in a world where there are a multitude of viewpoint and theological beliefs. We strive to enable children to make their own informed decisions and to have the confidence to voice their views.

We aim to develop pupils’ understanding of world faiths and other beliefs by exploring their commonality and diversity. There is both depth and breadth of study. The RE curriculum is also about the many facets of ‘belonging’. It aims to nurture pupils’ awareness of diversity as well as sensitivity to the questions and challenges that different views and cultures can present. We all share a common humanity and we share our view of the world with an understanding of their own and others' world views.

We want our children to enjoy RE and develop resilient responses to misunderstandings, stereotyping and division. We want to offer the children a place where difficult or ‘risky’ questions can be tackled within a safe but challenging context.

As a Church of England school it is our intent to promote strong links with our church, St. Wilfrid’s as well as the other churches in the community. Through this we aim to ensure that children have a sense of community and belonging whilst our curriculum provides them with the skills to flourish as members of a diverse global society.


Our intent is carefully implemented and planned by staff, using the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus as well as units of learning from Understanding Christianity (RE Today Services).

In accordance with The Church of England’s RE Statement of Entitlement (Education Office 2016), a minimum of 5% of class teaching time over the course of a year will be dedicated to the teaching of RE (equal to 36 hours in KS1 and 45 hours in KS2). At least 50% of this time will focus on Christianity as a Global Religion, with the remaining time focussing on the teaching of non-Christian faiths and world views.

We recognise children need to hear first-hand experiences from a wide range of people talking about their faith, so as well as working closely with St Wilfrid’s Church and ensuring children are given the opportunity to visit the church regularly, both for services and as part of their RE lessons, we also welcome visitors from all faiths and aim for pupils to visit at least one non-Christian place of worship during their time at St Wilfrid’s. Indeed, there are no presumptions made as to the religious backgrounds, beliefs and values of children or staff and we strive to create an atmosphere of respect and understanding so that all individuals are able to share their own lived-out experiences freely.

Each class has its own reflection area which provides children with an age appropriate area in which to further respond to the current unit of work or aspects of the school’s ethos of developing Christian values and attitudes of kindness, love, respect, faith, resilience and joy outside of RE lessons.


Children receive RE lessons both in school and in our local church.

The impact of our RE curriculum is measured through formative and summative assessments against the end of Key Stage statements linked to the units studied from Understanding Christianity, as well as the statements for specific year group learning from The Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus. Further to measuring the knowledge and understanding children gain through specific units taught, it is our intent that the impact of our RE curriculum will ensure:

  • Children are engaged and excited in their learning of Religious Education.
  • Children’s confidence has been nurtured in discussions about religious beliefs and practices.
  • Children have developed key skills in questioning and enquiry, whilst making deeper connections.
  • Each class leads a collective worship in St. Wilfrid’s Church during the school year.
    Children have an understanding of key texts, linking them to events in their own life.
  • Children have experienced opportunities of visitors and trips that enhance their knowledge of other religions.
  • Children are tolerant and respectful of all people regardless of faith or culture through their understanding of other major world religions and world views, allowing them to celebrate the diversity of our multicultural world.
  • Children demonstrate an understanding of the school’s Christian Values, know what these look like in practice and apply this understanding to help make everyday choices.
  • Children feel able to talk openly about their beliefs and values in lessons and to grow in their faith.
  • Children develop their understanding of the idea of advocacy, to know how they can challenge injustice and how they can help to make the world a better place.
  • Children reflect upon their own learning, identifying successes and aspects they would like to find out more about.
  • Children mature spiritually, academically, emotionally and morally to enable them to become well-rounded successful citizens in future life and have a positive impact on their friends, family, local and wider community.