Welcome to Foundation 2
This page has useful information about the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) and the day-to-day running of F2, as well as what we will be learning this term.
F2 is part of the Early Years Foundation Stage, a curriculum for children aged 0-5. It has 7 key areas of learning and sets the standards for the learning, development and care of children in their early years settings. At St Wilfrid's this is our F2 class where your child's learning journey begins. We plan our learning full of fun, hands on experiences and creativity - encouraging our children to be curious, independent and resilient learners.
The Early Learning Goals in each of the 7 key areas can be found here.
In F2 The class teachers are Mrs McCoulough and Mrs Watson
Our teaching assistants are Mrs Adlington-Noall and Mrs Munden
Spring Term
Our first topic this term is 'Ticket to Ride'
Click on the image below to find out what we will be learning this half term

Useful Information:
- At St Wilfrid's we follow the Little Wandle phonics and reading programme. This includes daily phonics lessons and 3 reading sessions each week. Your child therefore needs to bring their book bag and reading diary to school every day so that we can record their reading sessions and change their books. (Click on the Little Wandle logo below for a direct link to the parents page on their website).
- On a Friday we send home a phonics update on class dojo so you can see what your child has been learning that week.
- Children are encouraged to share books with an adult at home and practise reading their Little Wandle book. We count up the number of daily reads at home and reward certificates for every 25 reads. Little Wandle books need returning to school every Monday so they can be used for a new group that week.
- Our PE lessons are on Mondays and Thursdays. On these days please send your child to school in their PE kit.
- On Tuesdays we have our forest schools session, so children need to bring wellies and waterproofs to wear over their school uniform. If the weather forecast is particularly cold please send in extra layers.
- Each half term we have a whole school service at St Wilfrid's church led by a different class. We always need walkers to help us walk safely to church so if you are free on a Thursday morning and would like to come along, please let us know!

Here are some photos of what we got up to in our first half term