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Welcome to Year 6

Autumn Term


Our English lessons are based on four key areas of learning: spelling, grammar, reading and writing.

Grammar: relative clauses, modal verbs, adverbs, parenthesis, expanded noun phrases, commas, synonyms and antonyms, identifying word class and subject and object.

Spelling: challenge words from the Year 5 and 6 statutory spelling list.

Writing: We will be using the poem Night Mail by WH Auden in order to summarise key points and create our own poems, followed by Windrush Child by Benjamin Zephaniah where we will focus on informal recounts and persuasive writing.

Reading: We continue to use the Bug Club scheme that the children are familiar with from Year 5. This term we study Oliver Twist and Road to Freedom.

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Maths lessons are delivered daily with one of these sessions dedicated to fluency in arithmetic.

This term we will be covering:

Place value to ten million as well as the written methods of addition, subtraction, short multiplication and division. We will complete the term with lessons on fraction as well as converting units of measure.


This term we will study two areas of science, one biology and one physics.

Biology: Living things and their habitats introduces the kingdoms of living things, including micro-organisms, and how they are classified.

Physics: We will look at the topic of light, recognising how light travels in straight lines, learning how shadows are formed as well as introducing how we see things.


We begin the term in RE with a topic linked to our learning in history on World War 2: The Holocaust. In this topic we will learn about Jewish identity, prejudice, discrimination and persecution. In the second half of the term we look at the Christian concept of incarnation asking the question: ‘Was Jesus the Messiah?’


In our art sessions we will be looking at identity through the work of two artists: Njideka Akunyili Crosby and Mike Barrett. Both artists use layering and collage in their work. We will use learnt techniques in order to create self-portraits using acrylic, ink pen and collage.


During the autumn term the children will participate in three areas of learning: Football and gymnastics taught by Mr Devivo and the Sports Leaders programme that I will teach. Sports Leaders aims to develop children’s leadership skills to organise and deliver small sided games and activities within curricular and extra-curricular time.


In history we will be learning:

* the reasons why Britain went to war in 1939.

* what it was like for children in the war and what it was like to be evacuated.

* how Britain stood firm against the German threat.

* the importance of rationing and how this was for families during the war.

Please click on the link below to find out what we will be learning in  Year 6 throughout the year.


Children will be given a set of spellings to learn and practice each week. Click on the above link for an overview of the words and patterns they will learn throughout the year.

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Our geography lessons this term look the physical and human features of the Caribbean in order to answer the question ‘Why is the Caribbean such a popular tourist destination?’. We will also discover how Europeans colonising the islands as well as the use of slaves from Africa impacted the culture and diversity of the islands.


In the first part of the term our work in music will link to the topic of World War 2 through the study of songs from this era. During the second half term we will join with the rest of Key Stage 2 in order to learn songs in unison and parts ready for our school carol service.


The autumn term is packed with DT learning opportunities. First we will be planning and making our own World War 2 inspired soups using ingredients with as low food miles as possible. Later in the term we will be designing and making Christmas fair games, aiming to build on our knowledge and learning gained from last year’s work.


During the Autumn Term, we  will be completing the DAaRT (Drugs Awareness and Resilience Training) course. The programme is a 10-week course with a graduation at the end which teaches children how to make the safe and healthy decisions they will need as they become more independent and move into their teenage years. 

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